through a different lens
black & brown is a London based production company headed by Usayd Younis. We bring challenging and exciting films that centre the Global Majority to mass audiences. black & brown’s first feature documentary Generation Revolution was released in UK cinemas and streamed on Netflix.
We currently have a slate of films at various stages of production. If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch. for more.
after 8 (2024)
After 8 uncovers the darker side to Britain’s post-pub curry culture. Telling the story of Satpal Ram, the film unveils a major miscarriage of justice in British history and sparks profound reflection on the struggle for racial equality in the UK.
After 8 is a DocSociety supported film and is currently in post-production.
death by pollution (2021)
Do we all breathe the same air?
Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah was a nine-year-old girl who lived in south-east London and died in 2013. The cause of death was listed as air pollution, now her mother is fighting to make clean air a human right.
Death by Pollution is currently part of the ‘In the Air‘ exhibition at the Wellcome Collection, London.
reclaiming work (2020)
Reclaiming Work is a real David versus Goliath story that follows the journeys of a number of European cycle couriers as they subvert cutting edge technology to challenge corporate giants like Uber Eats and Deliveroo.
Reclaiming Work be seen in French on Mediapart and a longer version on Means.TV
generation revolution (2016)

Generation Revolution brings to screen the powerful story of a new generation of black and brown activists who are changing the social and political landscape in the capital and beyond. The film has been screened in Europe, the USA, Africa and Asia and is available on digital platforms.
See Generation Revolution »
in the press

Generation Revolution Featured in Channel 4 News Report

New documentary gives voice to London’s young activists of colour

Directors Usayd Younis and Cassie Quarless go live on BBC Radio to discuss their work.

This Documentary Shows How Young People Are Changing Protests in the U.K.
contact us
Are you interested in working with us, or just want to have a chat? Send us an email: